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Pot and Cloche Garden Podcasts

Oct 4, 2022

In this episode sponsored by Genus Gardenwear Joff Elphick travels to the north of the Cotswolds to visit Harriet Rycroft, a garden speaker, consultant, writer, and an expert in container gardening. They talk about her book 'POTS' and wander around Harriet's back garden, home to nearly 800 pots.

  • The book has 4 chapters - Learn - Plan - Grow - Care
  • Harriet's advice is right plant, right place, and right pot, but at the same time do experiment and have fun.
  • A few pests and how to manage them without resorting to chemicals
  • Drainage, watering feeding.
  • Irrigation
  • Pot materials and the question of pot feet
  • We talk about a few specific plants. Podophyllum 'Spotty Dotty'. Oxalis 'Iron Cros'. Begonia carolineifolia. Begonia sizemoreae. Amicia zygomeris. The ' Honka' dahlias. Coleus 'Henna'. Canna 'Russian Red'. Abutilon 'Canary Bird'.
  • Climbing plants in pots.